2014. 11. 13. 16:11

If I start a Java VM with the -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled flag set,

 the following message is printed:


Please use CMSClassUnloadingEnabled in place of CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled in the future


'Weblogic' 카테고리의 다른 글

weblogic console 페이지 branding 변경  (0) 2014.10.21
jdk server, client option  (0) 2014.10.08
DMS disabling (Not confirmed)  (0) 2014.10.07
apache http server benchmarking tool  (0) 2014.10.02
jms queue Import && Export  (0) 2014.09.29
Posted by 아도니우스
2014. 10. 21. 14:03

Modify the Administration Console Banner


To overwrite the sample Look and Feel's image files with your image files, do the following

1. To replace the logo in the Administration Console banner, save your own logo file as root-dir/framework/skins/ext-name/images/Branding_WeblogicConsole.gif

To prevent the need to resize the banner frame, do not change the size of change.


2. To change the background color of the banner, replace the following image file with one of the same size but that contains a different color : root-dir/framework/skins/ext-name/images/titlebar_bg.png


※ 참고사이트 : http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E15523_01/web.1111/e13745/rebrand.htm#BABDCJEA

'Weblogic' 카테고리의 다른 글

CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled vs CMSClassUnloadingEnabled  (0) 2014.11.13
jdk server, client option  (0) 2014.10.08
DMS disabling (Not confirmed)  (0) 2014.10.07
apache http server benchmarking tool  (0) 2014.10.02
jms queue Import && Export  (0) 2014.09.29
Posted by 아도니우스
2014. 10. 8. 11:38

웹로직을 Production 모드로 적용하는 방법 :

웹로직 콘솔에서 좌측 도메인 Structure내의 domain명을 클릭한다.
그러면 해당 도메인의 설정을 확인하는 웹페이지로 이동하게 되는데
여기서 Production Mode를 체크하고 웹로직을 재기동하면 웹로직은 Production Mode로 기동하게 됨.

또한 자바 VM 옵션이 -client로 기동한다면 commEnv.sh에서 아래의 부분을 수정한다.

  # Set up JVM options base on value of JAVA_VENDOR
if [ "$PRODUCTION_MODE" = "true" ]; then
  case $JAVA_VENDOR in
    MEM_ARGS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m"
    MEM_ARGS="-Xms32m -Xmx200m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
    MEM_ARGS="-Xms32m -Xmx200m"
    MEM_ARGS="-Xms32m -Xmx200m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
    MEM_ARGS="-Xms32m -Xmx200m"
  case $JAVA_VENDOR in
    MEM_ARGS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m"
    JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Xverify:none"
    MEM_ARGS="-Xms32m -Xmx200m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
    MEM_ARGS="-Xms32m -Xmx200m"
    MEM_ARGS="-Xms32m -Xmx200m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
    JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Xverify:none"
    MEM_ARGS="-Xms32m -Xmx200m"


위 부분은 웹로직의 디폴트 JVM 옵션인데 위의 부분에서 setDomainEnv.sh파일에서 Production Modetrue일 경우에
-server 옵션이 적용되는 부분을 체크하여 수정한다.
JVM이 SUN이고 Production Mode가 true로 설정했기 때문에 빨갛게 설정한 부분을 확인하면 될 것이다.

Posted by 아도니우스
2014. 10. 7. 18:16

DMS may require to disable for enhancing the SOA performance.


1. Goto $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/servers/<wls server>/dms_config.xml


2. Change enable="false" to enable="true" as below
<dump intervalSeconds="10800" maxSizeMBytes="75" enabled="true"/>


3. After change, restart is required.


출처 : http://aiaforjin.blogspot.kr/2014/02/weblogic-1035-dms-disabling-not.html?view=sidebar#!/2014/02/weblogic-1035-dms-disabling-not.html

'Weblogic' 카테고리의 다른 글

weblogic console 페이지 branding 변경  (0) 2014.10.21
jdk server, client option  (0) 2014.10.08
apache http server benchmarking tool  (0) 2014.10.02
jms queue Import && Export  (0) 2014.09.29
"Delete Messages From JMS Queue Using WLST:  (0) 2014.09.22
Posted by 아도니우스
2014. 10. 2. 09:04

ab는 "Apache HTTP server Benchmarking tool"의 약어로서 아파치서버의 응답속도를 측정하는 밴치마킹툴

ab는 툴을 이용하여 아파치의 응답속도를 테스트하고 그 결과를 다양한 방면 확인 가능

'Weblogic' 카테고리의 다른 글

jdk server, client option  (0) 2014.10.08
DMS disabling (Not confirmed)  (0) 2014.10.07
jms queue Import && Export  (0) 2014.09.29
"Delete Messages From JMS Queue Using WLST:  (0) 2014.09.22
Posted by 아도니우스
2014. 9. 29. 10:05

JMS Messages

JMS Modules > 사용하는 JMS Modules > JmsQueue > Summary of JMS MEssages

Import, Export 버튼 클릭

Posted by 아도니우스
2014. 9. 22. 15:54

Can you throw some WLST script for Moving the messages from one JMS queue to other?


In place of cmo.deleteMessages, please use the blow syntax to move the messaging from one queue to another:

cmo.moveMesages("JMSMessageID LIKE \' ID:\", target)

Let me know if it works.

Best Regards,

'Weblogic' 카테고리의 다른 글

apache http server benchmarking tool  (0) 2014.10.02
jms queue Import && Export  (0) 2014.09.29
JVM Heap Size and Garbage Collection  (0) 2014.09.19
weblogic 12c  (0) 2014.08.27
Posted by 아도니우스
2014. 9. 22. 15:06

Connect to the server using WLST by entering the command java weblogic.WLST Enter the command connect()

Enter the username, password, and the admin server url you want to connect to.


Chagne the location to serverRuntime by entering the command serverRuntime().

Traverse to the below location:









It shows all the attributes and fuctions of Queue.



wls:/lab_domain/serverRuntime/JMSRuntime/AdminServer.jms/JMSServers/FEJMSServer/Destinations/FRModule!FRQ> ls()
dr– DurableSubscribers

-r– BytesCurrentCount 11
-r– BytesHighCount 11
-r– BytesPendingCount 0
-r– BytesReceivedCount 0
-r– BytesThresholdTime 0
-r– ConsumersCurrentCount 0
-r– ConsumersHighCount 0
-r– ConsumersTotalCount 0
-r– ConsumptionPaused false
-r– ConsumptionPausedState Consumption-Enabled
-r– DestinationInfo

-r– DestinationType Queue
-r– DurableSubscribers null
-r– InsertionPaused false
-r– InsertionPausedState Insertion-Enabled
-r– MessagesCurrentCount 3
-r– MessagesDeletedCurrentCount 0
-r– MessagesHighCount 3
-r– MessagesMovedCurrentCount 0
-r– MessagesPendingCount 0
-r– MessagesReceivedCount 0
-r– MessagesThresholdTime 0
-r– Name FRModule!FRQ
-r– Paused false
-r– ProductionPaused false
-r– ProductionPausedState Production-Enabled
-r– State advertised_in_cluster_jndi
-r– Type JMSDestinationRuntime

-r-x closeCursor Void : String(cursorHandle)
-r-x deleteMessages Integer : String(selector)
-r-x getCursorEndPosition Long : String(cursorHandle)
-r-x getCursorSize Long : String(cursorHandle)
-r-x getCursorStartPosition Long : String(cursorHandle)
-r-x getItems javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData[] : String(cursorHandle),Long(start),Integer(count)
-r-x getMessage javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData : String(cursorHandle),Long(messageHandle)
-r-x getMessage javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData : String(cursorHandle),String(messageID)
-r-x getMessage javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData : String(messageID)
-r-x getMessages String : String(selector),Integer(timeout)
-r-x getMessages String : String(selector),Integer(timeout),Integer(state)
-r-x getNext javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData[] : String(cursorHandle),Integer(count)
-r-x getPrevious javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData[] : String(cursorHandle),Integer(count)
-r-x importMessages Void : javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData[],Boolean(replaceOnly)
-r-x moveMessages Integer : String(java.lang.String),javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData,Integer(java.lang.Inte
-r-x moveMessages Integer : String(selector),javax.management.openmbean.CompositeData
-r-x pause Void :
-r-x pauseConsumption Void :
-r-x pauseInsertion Void :
-r-x pauseProduction Void :
-r-x preDeregister Void :
-r-x resume Void :
-r-x resumeConsumption Void :
-r-x resumeInsertion Void :
-r-x resumeProduction Void :
-r-x sort Long : String(cursorHandle),Long(start),String[](fields),Boolean[](ascending)

For deleting messages, type the below command:

wls:/lab_domain/serverRuntime/JMSRuntime/AdminServer.jms/JMSServers/FEJMSServer/Destinations/FRModule!FRQ> cmo.deleteMessages(“JMSMessageID IN(‘ID:<840637.1277114817339.0>’)”)

cmo.deleteMessages(" ") {This command delete all messaged in queue and will return the number of messages deleted.}
Results will be:
It will delete a message having id ID:<840637.1277114817339.0>


※ 참고사이트 : http://vivek-samples.blogspot.kr/2013_02_26_archive.html

'Weblogic' 카테고리의 다른 글

jms queue Import && Export  (0) 2014.09.29
"Delete Messages From JMS Queue Using WLST:  (0) 2014.09.22
JVM Heap Size and Garbage Collection  (0) 2014.09.19
weblogic 12c  (0) 2014.08.27
pythons programming  (0) 2014.08.25
Posted by 아도니우스
2014. 9. 19. 11:48

JVM Heap Size and Garbage Collection


You might encounter the following errors when you run out of hip space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError <<no stack trace available>>
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError <<no stack trace available>>
Exception in thread "main"
Garbage collection is the JVM's process of freeing up unused Java objects in the Java heap. The Java heap is where the objects of a Java program live. It is a repository for live objects, dead objects, and free memory. When an object can no longer be reached from any pointer in the running program, it is considered "garbage" and ready for collection.
The JVM heap size determines how often and how long the VM spends collecting garbage. An acceptable rate for garbage collection is application-specific and should be adjusted after analyzing the actual time and frequency of garbage collections. If you set a large heap size, full garbage collection is slower, but it occurs less frequently. If you set your heap size in accordance with your memory needs, full garbage collection is faster, but occurs more frequently.
The goal of tuning your heap size is to minimize the time that your JVM spends doing garbage collection while maximizing the number of clients that WebLogic Server can handle at a given time. To ensure maximum performance during benchmarking, you might set high heap size values to ensure that garbage collection does not occur during the entire run of the benchmark.



Specifying Heap Size Values

You must specify Java heap size values each time you start an instance of WebLogic Server. This can be done either from the java command line or by modifying the default values in the startup scripts that are provided with the WebLogic distribution for starting WebLogic Server, as explained in Using WebLogic Startup Scripts to Set Heap Size.
For example, when you start a WebLogic Server instance from a java command line, you could specify the HotSpot VM heap size values as follows:
$ java -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=128m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -Xms512m -Xmx512m
Or startWebLogic.sh at the top
The default size for these values is measured in bytes. Append the letter `k' or `K' to the value to indicate kilobytes, `m' or `M' to indicate megabytes, and `g' or `G' to indicate gigabytes. The example above allocates 128 megabytes of memory to the New generation and maximum New generation heap sizes, and 512 megabytes of memory to the minimum and maximum heap sizes for the WebLogic Server instance running in the JVM.


Java Heap Size Options

You achieve best performance by individually tuning each application. However, configuring the Java HotSpot VM heap size options listed in the table below when starting WebLogic Server increases performance for most applications.
These options may differ depending on your architecture and operating system. See your vendor's documentation for platform-specific JVM tuning options.
Automatically Logging Low Memory Conditions
WebLogic Server enables you to automatically log low memory conditions observed by the server. WebLogic Server detects low memory by sampling the available free memory a set number of times during a time interval. At the end of each interval, an average of the free memory is recorded and compared to the average obtained at the next interval. If the average drops by a user-configured amount after any sample interval, the server logs a low memory warning message in the log file and sets the server health state to "warning."
If the average free memory ever drops below 5 percent of the initial free memory recorded immediately after you start the server, WebLogic Server logs a message to the log file.
You configure each aspect of the low memory detection process using the Administration Console:
  1. Start the Administration Server if it is not already running.
  1. Access the Administration Console for the domain.
  1. Expand the Servers node in the navigation tree to display the servers configured in your domain.
  1. Click the name of the server instance that you want to configure. Note that you configure low memory detection on a per-server basis.
  1. Select the Configuration —> Tuning tab in the right pane.
  1. On the Advanced Options bar, click Show to display additional attributes.
  1. Modify the following Memory Option attributes as necessary to tune low memory detection for the selected server instance:
    • Low Memory GCThreshold: Enter a percentage value (0-99 percent) to represent the threshold after which WebLogic Server logs a low memory warning and changes the health state to "warning." By default, Memory GCThreshold is set to 5 percent. This means that by default the server logs a low memory warning after the average free memory reaches 5 percent of the initial free memory measured at the server's boot time.
    • Low Memory Sample Size: Enter the number of times the server samples free memory during a fixed time period. By default, the server samples free memory 10 times each interval to acquire the average free memory. Using a higher sample size can increase the accuracy of the reading.
    • Low Memory Time Interval: Enter the time, in seconds, that define the interval over which the server determines average free memory values. By default WebLogic Server obtains an average free memory value every 3600 seconds.
  1. Click Apply to apply your changes.
  1. Reboot the server to use the new low memory detection attributes.

Manually Requesting Garbage Collection

Make sure that full garbage collection is necessary before manually selecting it on a server. When you perform garbage collection, the JVM often examines every living object in the heap.
To use the Administration Console to request garbage collection on a specific server instance:
  1. On the Administration Console, expand the server instance node for the server whose memory usage you want to view. A dialog box in the right pane shows the tabs associated with this instance.
  1. Select the Monitoring —> Performance tab.
  1. Check the Memory Usage graph for high usage. Note that the Memory Usage graph displays information only for a server that is currently running.
  1. Click the Force garbage collection button to request garbage collection. The Force garbage collection button calls the JVM's System.gc() method to perform garbage collection. Note, however, that the JVM implementation itself decides whether or not the request actually triggers garbage collection.

'Weblogic' 카테고리의 다른 글

"Delete Messages From JMS Queue Using WLST:  (0) 2014.09.22
weblogic 12c  (0) 2014.08.27
pythons programming  (0) 2014.08.25
JVM Monitoring with WLST  (0) 2014.08.20
Posted by 아도니우스
2014. 8. 27. 09:19

'Weblogic' 카테고리의 다른 글

JVM Heap Size and Garbage Collection  (0) 2014.09.19
pythons programming  (0) 2014.08.25
JVM Monitoring with WLST  (0) 2014.08.20
WLST Thread Count  (0) 2014.08.20
Posted by 아도니우스